Trying to run KohGPI but needed to find SPRANNLIB

Trying to run KohGPI but needed to find SPRANNLIB which is not available for what I can see – but found GNU-i-fied version in clibs directory of

This implementation also depends on the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) which you’ll need to build and install beforehand.

Then to build SPRANNLIB  download and untar the rlab archive. Go to ‘clibs/sprannlib/src’ and type make. If things are in order it will make a library in ../lib called libsprann.a spr_$ARCH.a where $ARCH is your architecture (x86_64, etc).

The .a files can be deployed in your normal place for manual (non-RPM/DEB) installations (/usr/local/pkg/sprannlib for me with symlinks to the libraries in /usr/local/lib). Then go back and build kohgpi but you may need to update the Makefile so that the library paths point to your sprannlib installation location.